1. What does the word "health" mean?

We are healthy when we are in a good shape, we are able to work or study and fully enjoy our lives. It is well known that mental health influences our physical condition. Good health means a longer and happier life. Health reaches the top position on the human scale of values.


2. What influences our health in a negative way?

There are a lot of different mistakes that people can make and they can damage their health. First of all bad eating habits, lack of physical activities, sedentary work, stress, smoking, drinking alcohol, drug abuse influence our physical condition.


3. What influences our health in a positive way?

Good eating habits- various kinds of fruits and vegetables are essential for our body to stay in a perfect condition. We should have enough of sleep and physical activities. We should avoid stressful situations and bad habits like smoking. We should see a doctor regularly for general check-ups.


4. How do you take care of your health?






5. What happens if one is ill?

If we don´t feel well, the first thing we usually do is taking the temperature. The normal temperature is 36,5 degrees Celsius. If it goes up, we probably have some kind of disease. We usually see a doctor and he examines our body, asks about the symptoms and prescribes some medication, which is available on prescription in a pharmacy. When the illness is too serious to be treated at home, the patient is taken to hospital and sometimes even undergoes surgery.


6. What kinds of illnesses do you know?

Everybody goes through various diseases during the childhood and later on, too. Most of the diseases are not serious and people are cured quickly: flu, cold, rash. However, there are also serious diseases. People of all ages are diagnosed with cancer or tumors of all types.  AIDS is one of the most serious disease that threatens people nowadays. Fortunately, scientists develop more and more efficient treatment techniques, so even some very serious illnesses can be treated.

Nowadays people can be vaccinated against some diseases.


7. What is prevention?

Prevention is always better than treatment. That´s why we are strongly encouraged to keep fit and healthy. We should pay more attention to what we eat and how much we eat. We should also be careful so that we didn´t break our leg or hand because otherwise we get a plaster for a few weeks.


8. Have you ever had something broken?





9. Have you ever been to hospital?




10. When should you visit a doctor and when is it fine to treat yourself at home?





11. Compare fresh vitamins to vitamin pills. What is more efficient and why?

Eating fresh fruits and vegetable is essential for human body. People can use various kinds of artificial vitamins especially when they have some problems and their diet has a lack of certain stuff but consuming natural vitamins is inevitable. Our body is able to absorb and utilize natural vitamins much better than artificial ones.


12. Describe the parts of human body:

figure: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

head: ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

arm: .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

leg: .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

internal organs: ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


