1. What is social behaviour?

It´s a set of unwritten rules which we have to follow if we want to be accepted by the society we live in. There are rules at home, at work or school, at social events, when doing business etc.These rules concern appearance- how we dress and our behaviour- greetings, addressing people.. The way of communication is a part of social behaviour, too. When we speak to friends we can be informal, we can use slang words and we use informal greetings. We address our friends by their first names. When we speak to somebody we met for the first time or when we speak to teachers or people at work we should be more formal. We address people by Mr. Mrs. or Ms. with their surname. We also wear different clothe when we go to school or just out with our friends or to the theatre.


2. What does ethics study?

Ethics focuses on moral rules, norms and manners. It analyses what is wrong and what is good. Etiquette describes formal rules or traditions of behaviour in a certain society. It tells how to greet people with respect, how to offer hospitality to guests, what clothes to wear, how to contribute to conversations, how to listen to speakers and much more. The rules are specific for different cultures. What is appropriate in one culture can be totally unacceptable in another culture, especially Muslim countries. Of course, some rules are universal: being polite, showing respect and interest, using magic words, arriving on time etc.


3.  What lifestyles do young people in Slovakia have?

Young people in Slovakia have different lifestyles. There are some young who are not interested in their studies, they often play truant, play computer games most of their time, go to pubs and drink alcohol. Many young smoke and don´t have enough physical movement. They have problems at school and some of them break law. Those who are drug addicted can steal things from their parents and from the shops and they can be dangerous for the others.

Those who are grown up in carrying families and have good conditions for improving their skills can be avoided from breaking rules and law. For children it is important to have good patterns of behaviour, either their parents or story heroes. Our family is where our behaviour is formed and parents are models of appropriate social behaviour. Children speak and behave in the same way as their parents. Unfortunately, many children are educated by the media which offer pseudo-idols from various reality shows and thus influence the values of young people in a bad way.

4. What do you think of young people in Slovakia?






5. What troubles do young have nowadays?






6. What do adults think of young people?






7. What is the difference between a formal and informal party?

At formal party there are people who we have formal reationship with. We should be formal in the way we dress, communicate, greet the others, eat, drink etc. We usually wear formal clothes like dresses, skirts, suits, ties, long trousers, shirts, formal shoes, high-heels for women. We shouldn´t wear jeans and T-shirts or shorts. When we meet somebody unknown we are introduced or we can introduced ourselves, we shake hands and say a few words about where we live, what is our job and why we are at the party. Informal parties are much more relaxed. We meet well-known people, we dress casual clothes and in fact, we can fully enjoy ourselves. We can feel free.

8. Why are good manners important?

When we want to be a part of some society, when we want to respect the others and be respected by the others it is important to be polite, helpful, fair and honest. Good manners make a good society where people feel well and relaxed.

9. What do you think about breaking rules? How does the society punish people when they break rules?

People should differentiate between moral and immoral, good and evil. If they don´t, they break morals and it leads to ignorance, misunderstanding, useless arguments, conflicts and breaking rules. Breaking rules and law should be punished in order to show people that they do something unacceptable. Breaking rules at school, such as not writing your homework, not being prepared, playing truant, bullying is punished without taking one to the court. On the other hand, breaking law is a serious mistake which is investigated by the police and almost always taken to the court where the law breaker is sentenced. He can be put into prison but in some countries the law is strict and people sometimes can be sentenced to death. Nowadays the prisons are full of law breakers so the state has to find other ways of punishing people.

10. What law breakers do you know and how do they break law?

thief- he steals things

robber- he robs houses

smuggler- he takes forbidden things from one country to another

arsonist- he sets fire and causes damage

kidnapper- he takes people and asks for ransom

blackmailer- he demands money from someone by threatening

murderer- he kills people