1. In what sense is science and technology important?

The importance of science and technology has grown over the last century and it has influenced our ives from many aspects: communication, transport, business, health care, housework...

Vast sums are being invested in new research in order to make our lives more comfortable. The most important advantage of scientific progress is obvious. It saves us time and money and raises our standard of living.


2. What were the most important inventions of human race in their history?

The major achievements of the early history were the wheel, fire and later the invention of steam. These inventions moved the technology forward.


3. What progress has been made in the field of medicine?

Science has helped ease the pain of certain types of diseases. It has even cured and prevented some diseases that were considered incurable in the past. It helped prolong the life of people and makes the lives of the handicapped easier. Doctors are able to operate on people and control their vital functions. They can scan human body and find invisible problems. The invention of microscope enabled people to cure diseases caused by viruses and bacteria.


4. What are the most important inventions of the last decades? Why?

During the last decades we have witnessed the biggest advance in information and communication technology, especially in wireless technology. The most remarkable were the inventions of the cell phone and the Internet.  These inventions enable people to develop other scientific fields.


5. What useful inventions do you have at home and how do they help you?

washing machine ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

dishwasher .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

TV and remote control .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

refrigerator ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

stove .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

car .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................




6. What are some of the dangerous inventions?

There are some, especially used for military purposes: nuclear power, guns, biological weapons, different kinds of poisonous substances..genetic engineering


7. What invention would you like to have if it was possible?





8. What are advantages and disadvantages of some inventions?

the Internet: keep in touch/time consuming/waste of time/save time/speeding life/loss of privacy/access to information/look sth. up quickly/





cell phones: .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................





nuclear bomb:







9. Compare the way of life in the modern society to the way of life in the past. Which do you find better and from what point of view?

In our modern society we can use many different inventions which make our life easier. We don´t have to wash in hands or set the fire before cooking. We can store our meals in a fridge and keep things fresh for a long time. We have a quick access to information of all the kinds and in a few seconds we are able to find answers to almost everything via the Internet. To buy something we don´t have to go shopping, to move for long distances we can use modern means of transport but modern society brought us some disadvantages, too. Mobiles and computers are robbing us of free time and privacy, there is a threat of abuse, we stopped meeting people face to face, we spend much time at the computer instead of doing sports..

Our consumer society is very harmful to the environment and it doesn´t provide us with the sense of fulfilment. We suffer from social, psychological and spiritual hungers. Modern type of lifestyle provokes many kinds of diseases.

In my opinion modern society/ life in the past is/was better because..................................................................................................................................................................

