
Začiatok zadania k 23.10.2020

Maturita Leader: p.71/listening, p.72, 73

p.79/B, p.80/E

p. 81/listening, p.82, 83, 85/C

koniec zadania k 23.10.2020


začiatok zadania k 30.10.2020

nahrávka: https://www.nucem.sk/dl/1534/MS_2016_AJ_B1_www.mp3

test: https://www.nucem.sk/dl/1460/AJ_B1_1305_RT.pdf

kľúč: https://www.nucem.sk/dl/1482/2016_kluc_AJB1_web.pdf

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  nezabudnite si dobre pozrieť číslo testu, aby ste sa vyhli depresii :-)

ML p.89/B

p. 91/listening

p.92 a 93, p.94/B

koniec zadania k 30.10.2020


začiatok zadania k 6.11.2020

nahrávka: https://www.nucem.sk/dl/1682/MS_2015_AJB1.mp3

test: https://www.nucem.sk/dl/1677/AJ_B1_8217.pdf

kľúč: https://www.nucem.sk/dl/1599/kluc_AJ_B1_2015.pdf

ML p. 99/B, E, F (kvôli slovnej zásobe) p. 100/ G, p.101/listening, p.102, 103


1c, 2a, 3b, 4b, 5c, 6a

Koniec zadania k 6.11


Začiatok zadania k 13.11. 2020

nahrávka: https://www.nucem.sk/dl/1808/AJB1_RT_2014_www.mp3

test: https://www.nucem.sk/dl/1738/AJ_B1_4317.pdf

kľúč: https://www.nucem.sk/dl/1746/kluc_AJ_B1_2014_web.pdf

ML p. 109/ C, D

ML 111/listening, p. 112 a 113

ML p. 114/A

ML p. 119/ A, D

Koniec zadania k 13.11.2020


Začiatok zadania k 20.11.2020

nahrávka: https://www.nucem.sk/dl/1913/AJB1.mp3

test: https://www.nucem.sk/dl/1853/AJ_B1_6117.pdf

kľúč: https://www.nucem.sk/dl/1841/kluc_AJB1_WEB.pdf

ML p.121/listening

ML p. 122, 123, 125/B, C

ML p. 129/ A, B

p. 130/ D, E

koniec zadania k 20.11.2020


začiatok zadania k 27.11.2020

nahrávka: https://www.nucem.sk/dl/2274/AJB1.mp3

test: https://www.nucem.sk/dl/1935/AJ-3516.pdf

kľúč: https://www.nucem.sk/dl/1962/AJB1_2012_kluc.pdf

ML p. 131/ listening

ML p. 132, 133

ML 139/B, 141/F, G

ML p. 142/listening

ML p. 143, 144

Koniec zadania k 27.11.2020


Začiatok zadania k 4.12.2020

nahrávka: https://www.nucem.sk/dl/2276/MS2011_AJB1.mp3

test: https://www.nucem.sk/dl/2084/AJ-9516.pdf

kľúč: https://www.nucem.sk/dl/2036/MS_2011_RT_kluc_AJB1.pdf

ML p. 154/ listening, 155, 156-157

ML p. 163/ A, C

Koniec zadania k 4.12.2020


Začiatok zadania k 11.12.2020

nahrávka: https://www.nucem.sk/dl/2282/MS2010_AJB1.mp3

test: https://www.nucem.sk/dl/2219/9513-AJ-B1.pdf

kľúč: https://www.nucem.sk/dl/2243/AJ_B1_kluc_RT_2010.pdf

ML p. 165/ listening, 166, 167

Koniec zadania k 11.12.2020


Začiatok zadania k 18.12.2020

ML 171-177

Koniec zadania k 18.12.2020


Začiatok zadania k 15.01.2021

Pozdravujem vás všetkých a prajem úspešný a šťastný Nový rok. Ako viete, EČMS vám je odpustená, čo je aj dôvod na to, že už vás nebudem obťažovať testovými úlohami a ML.

PFIČ (sloh) zatiaľ zostáva, takže by sme sa mali sústrediť presne na to. Okrem MZ, samozrejme. Máme január a to znamená č.21-25. Skúšame najneskôr nasledujúci týždeň, takže sa priebežne pripravujte. Pošlem všetkým jeden link a k tomu časy, že kedy kto.

Zadanie na tento týždeň:


Koniec zadania k 15.01.2021


Začiatok zadania k 22.1.2021


Koniec zadania k 22.1.2021


Začiatok zadania k 28.2.2021


Koniec zadania k 28.1.2021


 Začiatok zadania k 5.2.2021


Koniec zadania k 5.2.2021


Začiatok zadania k 12.2.2021

Write a letter to your friend (160-180 words):

You have just moved from a village to London. Write a composition including these aspects:
  • what were the (dis)advantages of living in your village
  • what are the (dis)advantages of living in London
Koniec zadania k 12.2.2021


Začiatok zadania k 19.2.2021

Nalistujte si Maturita Leader p. 45/D a podľa inštrukcii napíšte kompozíciu. Na strane oproti nájdete príklad a aj useful phrases, ktoré vám pomôžu. Pohrajte sa J

Koniec zadania k 19.2.2021


Začiatok zadania k 26.02.2021

Nalistujte si Maturita Leader p. 55/D a podľa inštrukcii napíšte kompozíciu. Na strane oproti nájdete príklad a aj useful phrases, ktoré vám pomôžu.

Koniec zadania k 26.02.2021


Začiatok zadania k 19.2.2021

Nalistujte si Maturita Leader p. 45/D a podľa inštrukcii napíšte kompozíciu. Na strane oproti nájdete príklad a aj useful phrases, ktoré vám pomôžu. Pohrajte sa J

Koniec zadania k 19.2.2021


Začiatok zadania k 19.3.2021

ML p. 75/Writing Practice

Write a report on the school canteen. Before your writing study the exam tips listed on the same page and follow the plan on the right side of the page. Use different linking words to make your final work look varied and vivid.

Koniec zadania k 19.3.2021


Začiatok zadania k 26.3.2021

Tento týždeň nás čaká skúšanie všetkých maturitných tém, tak sa, prosím, koncentrujte na opakovanie a na excelentné odpovede. Poprosím každého, aby dodržal svoj čas odpovede. V prípade zmeny so spolužiakom mi napíšte mail, že ste sa dohodli medzi sebou na zmene. Ďakujem za pochopenie a teším sa na rozhovory :-)

Ak bude mať niekto veľa času nazvyš, pokojne mi môže napísať aj nejaký sloh podľa vlastného výberu z ML.  

Koniec zadania k 26.3.2021


koniec zadaní k 27.03.2020
začiatok zadaní k 3.04.2020
Ahojte, opäť sa vám hlásim so zaujímavou aktivitkou na precvičenie listeningových skills :-)
Takže, rozkliknete link a pod modrým obrázkom nájdete šípku na spustenie listeningu. Vypočujte si nahrávku, aj viackrát, ak potrebujete. Ak aj tak niečomu nerozumiete, kliknite na Transcript, štvrtý riadok. Tam nájdete prepis. 
Keď budete mať, rozkliknite cvičenia. Začnite, multiple choice, prvá fialová šípka a potom pokračujte Worksheets and downloads. Tam nájdete aj kľúč k otázkam. nebuďte lenivý a všetko poriadne prejdite. Veci, ktoré si viete skontrolovať s kľúčom mi posielať, samozrejme, netreba, to je o vašej zodpovednosti, ale napíšte mi normálne klávesnicou, že či vás vypočuté veci prekvapili a nájdite na nete tri ďalšie prekvapivé fakty o ľudskom tele a svoj názor k tomu. Celé max. 100 slov.
Nové slovíčka si poznačte do zošita a odfoťte a pošlite. Ďakujeeeeem :-)
Podobne budete postupovať aj pri ďalšom linku:
Opäť mi odfoťte, aké nové slovíčka ste sa pri tomto cvičení naučili. A napíšte mi 100 slov na tému:
"Effective language learning methods"
Držím palce a teší sa na vaše krááááásne práce :-)
koniec zadaní k 3.04.2020
začiatok zadaní k 10.04.2020
Vypracujte nasledujúce readings podľa inštrukcii v zadaniach.
3. obsahuje štyri úlohy!!! Budete musieť kliknúť na "povoliť úpravy", aby sa vám rozklikli obrázky. Je to wordovský dokument s odkazmi. Nešlo mi to hodiť na stránku priamo. Dúfam, že ste zdatní. 
koniec zadaní k 10.04.2020
začiatok zadaní k 17.04.2020
Pamätáte na gerundium a infinitív? Tak nech sa páči. Cvičenia označte číslom cvičenia a vety tiež. Stačí napísať a odfotiť len doplnené slovíčka.
1. Put the verb into the correct form: 
1. I don’t fancy ______________ (go) out tonight. 
2. She avoided ______________ (tell) him about her plans.
 3. I would like ______________ (come) to the party with you. 
4. He enjoys ______________ (have) a bath in the evening. 
5. She kept ______________ (talk) during the film. 
6. I am learning ______________ (speak) English. 
7. Do you mind ______________ (give) me a hand? 
8. She helped me ______________ (carry) my suitcases.
 9. I’ve finished ______________ (cook). Come and eat! 
10. He decided ______________ (study) Biology. 
11. I dislike ______________ (wait). 
12. He asked ______________ (come) with us. 
13. I promise ______________ (help) you tomorrow. 
14. We discussed ______________ (go) to the cinema, but in the end we stayed at home. 
15. She agreed ______________ (bring) the pudding. 
16. I don’t recommend ______________ (take) the bus, it takes forever! 
17. We hope ______________ (visit) Amsterdam next month. 
18. She suggested ______________ (go) to the museum. 
19. They plan ______________ (start) college in the autumn. 
20. I don’t want ______________ (leave) yet.
2. Put the verb into the gerund or the infinitive with ‘to’: 
1. She delayed ______________ (get) out of bed. 
2. He demanded ______________ (speak) to the manager. 
3. I offered ______________ (help). 
4. I miss ______________ (go) to the beach. 
5. We postponed ______________ (do) our homework. 
6. I’d hate ______________ (arrive) too late. 
7. She admitted ______________ (steal) the money. 
8. I chose ______________ (work) here.
9. She waited ______________ (buy) a drink. 
10. I really appreciate ______________ (be) on holiday. 
11. I couldn’t help ______________ (laugh). 
12. It seems ______________ (be) raining. 
13. I considered ______________ (move) to Spain. 
14. They practised ______________ (speak). 
15. Finally I managed ______________ (finish) the work. 
16. I really can’t stand ______________ (wait) for the bus. 
17. Unfortunately, we can’t afford ______________ (buy) a new car this year. 
18. She risked ______________ (be) late. 
19. I’d love ______________ (come) with you. 
20. I prepared ______________ (go) on holiday.
3. Put the verb into the gerund or the infinitive with ‘to’: 
1. It appears _________________ (be) raining. 
2. We intend _________________ (go) to the countryside this weekend. 
3. I pretended _________________ (be) sick so I didn’t have to go to work. 
4. Can you imagine_________________ (live) without TV? 
5. They tolerate_________________ (smoke) but they prefer people not to. 
6. I anticipate _________________ (arrive) on Tuesday. 
7. A wedding involves _________________ (negotiate) with everyone in the family. 
8. He denies _________________ (steal) the money. 
9. He claims _________________ (be) a millionaire but I don’t believe him. 
10. I expect _________________ (be) there about seven. 
11. Julia reported _________________ (see) the boys to the police. 
12. It tends _________________ (rain) a lot in Scotland. 
13. Do you recall _________________ (meet) her at the party last week? 
14. She mentioned _________________ (go) to the cinema, but I don’t know what she decided to do in the end. 
15. The teenager refused _________________ (go) on holiday with his parents. 
16. I understand _________________ (be) late once or twice, but every day is too much! 
17. I would prefer you _________________ (come) early if you can. 
18. That criminal deserves _________________ (get) a long sentence. 
19. She completed _________________ (paint) her flat. 
20. We arranged _________________ (meet) at four but at four thirty she still hadn’t arrived
4. Put the verb into the gerund or the infinitive with ‘to’: 
1. I couldn’t sleep so I tried _____________ (drink) some hot milk. 
2. She tried _____________ (reach) the book on the high shelf, but she was too small. 
3. They tried _____________ (get) to the party on time but the bus was delayed. 
4. We tried _____________ (open) the window, but it was so hot outside it didn’t help. 
5. He tried _____________ (get) a job in a newspaper firm but they wouldn’t hire him. 
6. He tried _____________ (get) a job in a newspaper firm but he still wasn’t satisfied. 
7. You should stop _____________ (smoke), it’s not good for your health. 
8. We stopped _____________ (study) because we were tired. 
9. They will stop _____________ (have) lunch at twelve. 
10. We stopped _____________ (have) a rest, because we were really sleepy. 
11. Oh no! I forgot _____________ (buy) milk. 
12. Please don’t forget _____________ (pick) up some juice on your way home. 
13. I forget _____________ (lock) the door, but I’m sure I must have locked it. 
14. Have we studied this before? I’ve forgotten _____________ (learn) it. 
15. Please remember _____________ (bring) your homework. 
16. I remember _____________ (go) to the beach as a child. 
17. Finally I remembered _____________ (bring) your book! Here it is. 
18. Do you remember _____________ (eat) steak in that little restaurant in Rome? 
19. I regret _____________ (tell) you that the train has been delayed. 
20. I regret _____________ (tell) Julie my secret; now she has told everyone.
koniec zadaní k 17.04.2020
začiatok zadaní k 24.04.2020
Na tento týždeň tu máme preklad. Bude veľmi dôležité, aby ste mi ho poslali do určeného dátumu, pretože v sobotu (25.04.2020) zavesím na stránku kľúč, podľa ktorého si vety skontrolujete. Takže do piatku vás poprosím o vypracovanie a zaslanie do mailu. Čo príde po zverejnení kľúča je už vlastne mimo.


1.       Povedal, že sa nevideli roky.


2.       Povedala, že nebude čakať ďalších päť rokov.


3.       Povedala, že sa chystajú do reštaurácie oslavovať.


4.       Jeho sestra povedala, že nerada je cestoviny. 


5.       Spomenula, že nevie písať na stroji.


6.       Myslel som si, že máš tajomstvo.


7.       Povedal mi, že zajtra odchádza do Londýna.


8.       Povedal jej, aby nebola nervózna.


9.       Požiadala som ho, aby spomalil.


10.   Spýtala sa ma či som predal svoje auto.


11.   Chcel vedieť koľko ľudí sme pozvali na party.


12.   Potreboval zistiť, kde je pošta.


13.   Spýtala sa ma otázku či som ochotný požičať jej moju gitaru.


14.   Povedal, že pracoval ako čašník, predtým ako sa stal šéfkuchárom.


15.   Zavolám ti zajtra.


16.   Spýtal som sa jej či môžem chodiť do posilňovne s ňou.


17.   Ľudia chceli vedieť, kedy budú dokončené diaľnice.


18.   Spýtala sa ho, koľkokrát mu musí povedať, aby bol ticho.


19.   Povedala mu, aby nebol taký zvedavý.


20.   Spýtala sa detí či vstali skoro.


21.   Chcela vedieť či ti odmietol pomôcť.


22.   Požiadala ma, aby som vyplnil formulár tak rýchlo ako sa len dá.


23.   Chcela vedieť ako vychádzam so svojími súrodencami.


24.   Povedali, že ich auto sa pokazilo a museli ho odtlačiť na kraj cesty.


25.   Boli sme zvedaví či sa zápas odkladá na iný deň.

koniec zadaní k 24.04.2020
začiatok zadania k 1.05.2020

Aj tento týždeň budeme pokračovať vetami na preklad. Musíte pri ňom používať všetky mozgové závity a o to nám ide. Postup práce zostáva. Preložíte do zošita a najneskôr do piatku (1.05.2020) mi pošlete svoje vety. Na ďalší deň, t.j. v sobotu, vám pošlem do mailu kľúč. Vety si opravíte farebným perom a pošlete opravené vety znova. V týchto vetách ide o podmienkové vety. Opakovanie všetkých štyroch typov. 

Držím palce.


  1. Bol by som to urobil, keby som bol mal viac času.


  1. Ak prídeš načas, pôjdeme na párty.


  1. Keby som vedel, že si chorý, navštívil by som ťa.


  1. Ak dáš vodu do mraziaka, zmení sa na ľad.


  1. Ak sa zasekneme v dopravnej zápche, zmeškáme lietadlo.


  1. Keby som bol(a) bohatý, úplne by som zmenil(a) svoj život.


  1. Keby nebol taký neporiadny, bol by perfektný manžel.


  1. Ak tvoj pes bude znova naháňať moju mačku, nahlásim ťa u polície.


  1. Ak by si mohol bývať kdekoľvek na svete, kde by to bolo?


  1. Keby si bol platil svoje účty, bol by si schopný pozerať TV.


  1. Keby nebol šiel na ten výlet, nebol by stretol svoju budúcu manželku.


  1. Býval by v Anglicku, keby tam počasie bolo lepšie.


  1. Ak budeš veľa fajčiť, riskuješ , že si zničíš zdravie.


  1. Keby Jane nebola zmeškala vlak, nemeškala by na stretnutie.


  1. Bol by som ti poslal pohľadnicu, keby som vedel tvoju adresu.


  1. Keby som bola tebou, nezosobášila by som sa s ním.


  1. Nebol ospalý. Keby bol býval ospalý, bol by šiel do postele.


  1. Nie je ospalý. Keby bol ospalý, šiel by to postele.


  1. Bol by urobil pár fotiek, keby mal foťák.


  1. Ak pôjdem na oslavu, budem unavený.


  1. Ak by som šiel na oslavu, bol by som unavený.


  1. Nebol by som býval unavený, keby som nebol šiel na oslavu.


  1. Keby sme si boli vzali navigáciu, nemuseli sme sa pýtať na cestu.


  1. Ak dobre ješ, dobre sa cítiš.


  1. Ak si preložil všetky vety sám a dobre, si „podmienkový frajer“.



koniec zadania k 1.05.2020

začiatok zadania k 8.05.2020


Všetkých vás srdečne pozdravujem a prajem krásny deň :-) popracujeme trošku na listeningu a kreativite.

Takže, zopakujeme si postup práce pri listeningovom cvičení, aké sme pred časom už mali. Čiže rozkliknete link a pod obrázkom nájdete tzv. Preparation. Je tam nejaká slovná zásoba, ktorá sa objavuje v listeningu, takže zoznámte sa s ňou v cvičení. Potom môžete prejsť k samotnému listeningu.  Vypočujte si nahrávku, aj viackrát, ak potrebujete. Ak aj tak niečomu nerozumiete, kliknite na Transcript. Tam nájdete prepis. 

Keď budete mať, rozkliknite cvičenia. Začnite, Task 1, Task 2 a potom pokračujte rozkliknutím Download, kde nájdete Worksheet. Tam nájdete aj kľúč k otázkam. Všetko poriadne prejdite. Veci, ktoré si viete skontrolovať s kľúčom mi posielať, samozrejme, netreba, to je o vašej zodpovednosti, ale napíšte mi normálne klávesnicou, že ako najlepšie sa dá vylepšiť si svoje listening skills. Skúste vymenovať niekoľko spôsobov a bližšie rozpíšte dva. Ešte raz, píšeme klávesnicou, nie rukou. Celé tak 160-180 slov.





Ďalej tu máme reading, pri ktorom je veľmi podobný postup ako bol pri predchádzajúcom listeningu.




Keď budete mať, napíšte mi klávesnicou odpovede na tieto otázky:

  1. What fake news can you find on the Internet these days?
  2. Have you ever spread fake news in your classroom? What was it?
  3. What attitude do you have to fake news? Do they drive you crazy or you just don´t notice them?
  4. Come up with fake information that you are convinced your parents would believe.



A nakoniec vás poprosím o obriu dávku fantázie  a uvoľnenej mysle. Vytvorte príbeh z nasledujúcich slov: abbreviation, come up with, cuddle, octopus, breath, heart, eggplant, laptop, cockroach.

Áno, presne tak. Na prvý pohľad k sebe vôbec nepatria. No a to je na tom to zaujímavé. Veríte, že z toho môže byť príbeh?

Ako príklad a motiváciu vám ponúkam na prečítanie môj príbeh, ktorý som na tieto slová vymyslela:


One day I saw an octopus trapped in an old glass pipe crooked in different directions. The glass pipe was rather narrow for the animal with eight long tentacles. I would feel horrified finding myself in such a situation, out of breath and my heart would probably jump out of my chest.

„How could I help this poor thing get out of the pipe?“ I asked myself.

In my younger years I used to watch number of videos on my laptop, introducing octopuses as intelligent animals. They were able to escape from various cages and traps and these missions didn´t take much time. They were shown as animals with a good memory. Once they were fed on a certain place, they managed to find exactly the same place again and again. And I also heard that each of their tentacle has its own brain. The scientists even used word abbreviations to communicate with them.  Amazing! It was up to me to come up with a life saving action. I knew that I was not going to write a text message to my octopus but to lure it out by a piece of food it likes, could be a good choice. So I took a small dried cockroach out of my pocket. I feed my pet snakes with dried cockroaches so I always have some with. I placed it in the pipe and waited until one of the tentacles stretched towards it. It didn´t last long. Once the octopus reached the cockroach and cuddled with it for a while, it changed its colour to eggplant violet. Astonishing! Miraculous! It got out of the pipe and ate the cockroach. As soon as it ate the snack, it disappeared in the pipe again. And I understood that the glass rubbish was its home, the place where he felt safe.



A ponúkam vám aj ďalšiu inšpiráciu v podobe príbehov, ktoré vytvorili moji chalani. Toto je taká naša obľúbená zábavka. Každý z nás vymyslí tri slová, ktoré spolu nesúvisia, potom tie slová dáme dokopy a vymýšľame príbehy. Niekedy z toho vzniknú fakt super veci :-)



Yesterday I came up with an idea, that I should go on a holiday. I turned on my laptop and started searching. I found one in Italy. I had to leave the next day. I ordered the holiday, but my girlfriend did not know anything, because she did not want to go with me. She came to my room and started cuddling with me. Unfortunately, she told me, that her parents invited us for a lunch on Sunday and we should go there, so I had a problem. I told her everything and luckily she understood. So I packed my clothes and other necessary things. In the morning I ate something and left for the airport. After four hours I arrived in Italy, I caught a Taxi and went to my hotel. I arrived at the hotel at seven p.m. so the receptionist offered me a dinner. I went to find my room, because I wanted to unpack my suitcase. I could not find my room, because there were Italian abbreviations on the walls and I could not understand them. A few moments later I went to the dining room. There were tons of food. From grilled eggplants and cockroaches to raw octopuses. I tried a grilled eggplant with delicious sauce. I was really tired so I went to my room and my heart almost stopped working. There was a dead mouse on the floor near my bed and it smelled like rotten eggs. I grabbed a piece of toilet paper and threw it away. Luckily, there was not any dirty piece on the floor and the only problem I had was the smell. Since I am extremely intelligent, I found an air freshener on a shelf in the bathroom. I used it and there was nothing, that could stop me from sleeping.


Last summer the first holiday morning I woke up and I was thinking what I could  do. While I was having a small breakfast in the garden, I came up with a significant idea. What would happen, if I finally cleaned up my garden and planted some vegetables that I hadn´t done before. From time to time I must be a bit helpful and effective, mustn´t I? So I started with cuddling my dog which I haven´t played with for ages because it´s still lying in his kennel and he comes out only when he wants to eat or drink. After a while I was supposed to do something useful. I found a package of eggplant seeds so I decided to find out how to plant them. The pack was full of abbreviations  and for me as a beginner it was difficult to understand. So I thought laptop could help me. I opened it and instead of a big octopus on my wallpaper which always says ´hi´ to me, I saw a disgusting cockroach walking on my display. First I almost got a heart attack but I realised I was a strong man. I took a deep breath and moved it outside, far away from my PC. Now it was the right time to continue my work calmly. Of course till I find a new one somewhere in my room.


koniec zadania k 8.05.2020

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________začiatok zadania k 15.05.2020

Opäť vás zdravím a prajem krásny a pozitívne naladený dníček s úsmevom na tvári a chuťou do života :-) Máme tu nové zadanie, aby sme si trošku precvičili, čo máme už naozaj dávno vedieť. Vytvorte otázku (označte ako Q) a zápor (označte ako N) k týmto vetám, drilové cvičenie na gramatiku, mixík časov. Postup rovnaký ako pri preklade. Vypracujte, pošlite, ja pošlem v sobotu kľúč, opravíte a pošlete znovu.

  1. Our family eats together very often.
  2. You have to do warm up exercises before the training.
  3. The teacher is explaining grammar to students.
  4. They usually have breakfast at 8.
  5. Global warming will be a big problem in the future.
  6. This might help students with their tasks.
  7. The customers complained angrily.
  8. Our team has won the sporting competition.
  9. I have seen Ben this morning.
  10. My mother was born in 1975.
  11. She was waiting at the bus stop when I saw her.
  12. Students are allowed to use phones during the lessons.
  13. They can swim here.
  14. He lost his interest in football.
  15. She became a national hero.
  16. He does all housework himself.
  17. My parents have got a restaurant with a garden.
  18. I would like to find a job in my home town.
  19. I really enjoy working with animals.
  20. Martin speaks better English than me.
  21. He told her to be quiet.
  22. This jacket isn´t made of real leather.
  23. The publishing of his book will be ready at the end of March.
  24. The original video has been recorded recently.
  25. She has been bitten by a snake.
  26. He has been painting the ceiling all day.
  27. The preparations for their wedding had beed finished long before everything started.
  28. We had to move to a bigger town for number of reasons.
  29. They ran out of fuel at the beginning of the journey.
  30. He will have to give up flying.


Special challenge pre všetkých šikovníčkov. Mám pre vás ponuku, tip na film s myšlienkou a odkazom. Tento film už síce šiel aj u nás, ale skúste si ho pozrieť v origináli. Volá sa In time (2011) v hlavnej úlohe s Justinom Timberlakom, to je darček pre dievčatá :-) avšak aj chlapcom by sa mohol páčiť súboj medzi dvomi protipólmi a celková myšlienka, najmä pre scifi milovníkov typu AP, z lavice pri dverách a obľúbenej zásuvke :-)

No a dám vám k filmu pár otázok:

  1. What does the clock on peoples´ forearms show?
  2. What is the biggest difference between the two worlds in which these people live?
  3. What is Will Salas´s role in this story?
  4. Do you find interesting that people stop aging on their 25th birthday?
  5. How does Silvia Weis change from the beginning to the end of the story?
  6. Can you see any similarities between our world and the world of „In time“?
  7. Do you agree with this statement?

    This movie is also saying "digital currency is the new future, and if they control your money, they can control your time, if they can control your time, they can control your life and survival."

Ak by niekomu nešlo si  film pozrieť, tak dám náhradné úlohy nesúvisiace s filmom. Treba sa mi ozvať. Chcela by som vám doporučiť pozrieť si film v origináli, ak by ste nechápali, pozrite si následne Vymeřený čas, to je česká verzia.


Takže to sú úlohy na tento týždeň. Príjemné sledovanie vám prajem :-)

koniec zadania k 15.5.2020


začiatok zadania k 25.05.2020

Milí moji, dnes mám pre vás iné zadanie ako doteraz. Veľmi by ma zaujímali vaše dojmy z tejto formy štúdia. Chcela by som vedieť, aké výhody a nevýhody to pre vás má, čo vám robí starosti a čo je naopak pre vás lepšie. Chcela by som vedieť či máte pocit, že zadané úlohy vás niekam posunuli, či ste urobili, podľa vás, nejaký ten krôčik dopredu. Či je to lepšie alebo horšie ako v škole. V čom? Mali sme tu veľkú všehochuť úloh, s opakovaním gramatiky alebo trénovaním rôznych zručností. Pokojne napíšte od srdca svoje pocity, že čo je ok a čo je hrozné. Zaujíma ma to :-) A budem naozaj rada, ak porovnáte aj s tým, čo robievame v škole. Ďalšie veci môžem potom vylepšiť alebo nastaviť inak. Napíšte do mailu, ďakujem vopred za váš čas. Prajem pekný zvyšok týždňa.

PS: mail v angličtine poteší viac ako v slovenčine. Voľba je na vás. 

koniec zadania k 25.05.2020


začiatok zadania k 30.05. 2020

My dear, so here we go with another interesting topic which, since you study gastronomy, should catch your interest. I guess that girls are naturally absorbed by this topic and boys might be as well, especially when they devote their time to sports and need to keep in perfect condition. Whatever your diet is, I´m quite sure your attitude to eating changes from time to time. You probably have periods of healthier eating with some food restrictions like avoiding much sugar or gluten and periods of greedy eating, when you feel obsessed by food. I have found a great doctor of medicine who shares her knowledge about different things. This is the first video that I want you to watch and take the necessary info out of it. I only have two questions connected with this video. Let me know what kind of cinnamon is much better to consume and what are benefits of using the cinnamon in our diet. I hope you will like it. After that I have one more task for you. Go and google anything else that you think is important to keep us healthy and what benefits your choice has. You can choose from herbs, vegetables, fruits, spices, drinks.. whatever that comes into your mind. Thanks in advance.



..and here we go with another film..

The Boy with the Stripes Pyjamas, is the name of the film I´m offering this time. One of those that will send shivers up and down your spine. One of those that will show you the disaster of war and holocaust. For sure it will make you appreciate peace which we have now with all the achievements we can enjoy in our lives.

So, enjoy and take the message out of it.


And here are the questions for you:

  1. How does Bruno like his new room and what can he see looking through the window?
  2. „Home is where the family is.“ Does it describe Bruno´s mum´s attitude through the whole story? Describe it with a few sentences.
  3. Bruno´s mother to an old Jew who bandaged Bruno´s knee: „Thank you!“ Why was it so difficult for her to say these words expressing her gratitude?
  4. The image of DOOR appears number of times in the film but the image of the last door is not the same when compared to the „doors“  shown before. What is the difference?
  5. Bruno to the Jew boy: “I´m realy sorry for what I did.“ Why did Bruno say this sentence and what secret mission did it lead to?


koniec zadania k 30.05.2020


začiatok zadania k 6.6.2020

Hello again, this time we are going to watch Matilda which is a kind of fantasy story not only for children. I chose this mostly because of the language used here. It is so easy to understand.

Here´s the link for the full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Evxol01R6w0

..and questions :-)

  1. What happened to Ms. Honey when she was a child?
  2. What do Ms. Honey and Matilda have in common?
  3. How would you describe Matilda´s character?
  4. Can you describe a situation in your life when you were feeling weak, upset and exhausted but then somebody cheered you up and it helped you solve some kind of problem?
  5. What special powers would you like to have?

Task 2: listen to this and answer the questions below :-)


  1. Are you still looking for Friday these days?
  2. Are you afraid of some animals or were you as a child?
  3. Would you like to bring your pet to school one day?
  4. According to the mentioned research, what benefits do animals have for ill people?
  5. What does the doctor want from us at the end of the video?

koniec zadania k 6.6.2020


začiatok zadania k 12.6

Dr. Pingle again, with an interesting topic about oral hygiene and gum (ďasná) health. This is really important info about how to keep fit with the help of perfect teeth brushing. So, listen to the video and after that focus on these  nine questions. They are in the same order as they appear in the video so you don´t have to jump up and down when answering them.


  1. Why is it important to brush/clean our teeth according to Dr. Pingle?
  2. What is brain fog?
  3. What does Dr. Pingle mention that it can cause higher systolic blood pressure?
  4. Unsuccesful medical treatment of blood pressure- when can it happen?
  5. What is the link between Alzheimer´s  disease and oral hygiene?
  6. Is taking care of our gums essential for our brain health? How?
  7. How can coconut oil be beneficial in our oral hygiene? What does it do and how should it be used?
  8. A herb is mentioned that has a similar impact on our oral health as coconut oil. Which one is it? Did you catch it?
  9. What way of using probiotics does doctor describe in order to improve your oral health?


I understand that the doctor speaks very quickly and that some words might be unknown to you but still, try to do your best to find as many answers as possible, I keep my fingers crossed for you :-)


The next task is...imagine that you are a leader of a group of children who fail in proper teeth cleaning. Try to create a few really important steps that they should follow in order to learn perfect oral hygiene. Include the tools needed, the frequency of cleaning teeth, the food that they should avoid if they want to have healthy teeth, a visit to a dentist, reasons why it is so important to take care of  their teeth...etc.








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